Sports, Nutrition

If you’re serious about improving your sports performance you need this test in your life! By analyzing your nutrition and athletic profile to identify key factors such as muscle structure, inflammation and oxidative stress, REVIV can help you reach your peak.

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Analysis includes

Genetic predisposition for strength v. endurance
Action plan to maximize genetic potential
Guidance on recovery from inflammation and injury
Optimized performance nutritional programme
Identification of performance-lowering foods

Sports, Nutrition



Our Sports & Nutrition analysis explores your genetic variations for athletic performance and talent, allowing you to determine the best way to reach your optimal abilities.

We assess the genes for the different types of muscle fibres and determine whether you have a genetic disposition leaning towards strength and power activities or endurance-focused activities.

Additionally this analysis looks at how the body reacts to inflammation and injury, helping determine the best ways to heal and recover following heavy training or injury and determine whether the body is adequate at detoxifying following training sessions.

We combine this analysis with assessment of specific nutrition genes and from this information we can determine the best performance enhancing foods for an individual with over 1000 foods assessed.